Supporting a local charity – how can your business help?

See how the generosity of local businesses and our corporate partnerships supports our invaluable work.

27th September 2022

At Leeds Children’s Charity at Lineham Farm, corporate partnerships and donations go a long way towards funding our invaluable work. As an independent charity, we depend on the generosity of businesses to help us continue brightening children’s lives across Leeds.

Every child is unique and so are the memories they make at Lineham Farm. Our work gives local children the chance to feel safe, secure and cared for; to experience things that other children often take for granted – the chance to play outdoors, eat home-cooked meals and sleep in a clean, warm bed.

For many children who visit Leeds children’s Charity at Lineham Farm, it is often the first time they have experienced the countryside, seen farm animals, or even stayed away from home. The skills and resilience learnt from time spent at the farm cannot be underestimated, and it is these skills and experiences which help form the foundations of adulthood. This undoubtedly helps them to grow into successful adults.

Sadly, there are many struggling families across Leeds where holidays, breaks or even a day trip away can never happen. We believe that every child (and family) deserves the chance to feel happy, have fun, share an adventure, and experience new things.


We love hearing about the wonderful and inventive ways funds can be raised from businesses and organisations and we’d like to say a heartfelt thanks to everyone who supports our work – because together, we will continue to champion the children of Leeds.

But the benefits aren’t just for us and the young people we support. Supporting a charity can be great for your business too!

Here are just a few of the many ways that businesses can get involved:

Give back to your community 

Great examples of corporate social responsibility are always more than just a box-ticking exercise. When a business provides ongoing support for a charity, they’re helping to make sustainable, positive changes in their community.

Product Partnerships

Product partnerships are a great win-win for both business and charity. A simple commercial initiative can help market a product or sale for a business, whilst at the same time benefiting and supporting a local charity.

Our wonderful supporters at Right Fuel Card have been supporting Leeds Children’s Charity at Lineham Farm for many years by donating a percentage of fuel sales sold via one of their specific fuel cards. Last year, this raised an incredible £4200 to donate – wow!

Right Fuel Card donation

Product agreements come in all shapes and sizes, earlier this year, a local business Leeds Locksmith donated all lockout fees for a fortnight, yes that’s right, even if he was called out at 3am in the morning!

Choose a charity of the year – and help to define your brand identity

Supporting a local charity is important for the team at AYKO and helping to enrich lives for children was a priority. One of their main fundraisers is ongoing throughout the year. All donations from ticket sales to events hosted in the AYKO Suite at the First Direct Arena is being split between charities – how amazing!

Not only does this help to support the work of local charities but it can also be an integral part of a brand, differentiating you from others, and showcasing CSR responsibilities. Additionally, AYKO have also donated their suite for our supported children to use and experience a first-class experience at a concert – creating memories of a lifetime!

Leeds Children's Charity visit to arena

Reach a wider audience with sponsorship

There are many ways to generate media coverage and publicity for your business and sponsorship is just one of these. We have many options for sponsorship opportunities at Leeds Children’s Charity at Lineham Farm, and it is a fantastic way to help generate coverage and good publicity for your business.

One of our more recent sponsorship deals was gifted by Emovis who have kindly donated funds so that we can purchase new outdoor activity clothing for our staff!

Currently we have an opportunity to sponsor the publication of our new charity newsletters. This will be a great way to extend reach and publicity for any company.

Building relationships with other businesses

Supporting a charity also allows you to network with other businesses, and we offer events and activities that allow you to do this. We have our first Leeds Treasure Hunt planned for April next year, which will be an event not to miss, with lots of fun, team building and healthy competition. What’s not to like! Further event details will be updated on our events page.

Boost employee morale with fundraising

This is such a valued reason to support a charity. Healthy minds, and happy staff equal a great and efficient work force. It is beneficial for employees to know that they’re working at a caring and philanthropic business that really makes a difference. Staff can get enjoyment with fundraising activities and building connections and relationships with their team.

Fundraising is a fantastic team-building exercise which also allows busy employees to feel like they’re having a positive impact on society. Here are some fundraising ideas for children’s charities to provide some inspiration.

Lexis Nexis fundraising for Leeds Children's Charity

Lexis Nexis fundraising for Leeds Children's Charity


We also offer volunteering opportunities at the farm, a chance for teams to spend the day out of the office, time with colleagues in a non-work environment and a chance to get hands mucky and make a difference.

The team at Zurich have been coming to the farm for the past few years and are a great example of a successful volunteering day. Not only do they give their time to volunteer but also offer support financially too, having received a wonderful £500 from them to help purchase much-needed activity equipment!

Zurich UK CSR day at Lineham Farm

Zurich said:

From our perspective, it is great that Zurich Insurance UK give us the opportunity to take part in these days as part of our normal employment. We can help a charity by doing jobs that it does not have the resources to do itself, we get to meet up with colleagues, we do something different to our normal work and we get the satisfaction of knowing we have helped someone and our help has been appreciated. A true “win-win”.

And we couldn’t agree more!

Business Supporter Packages

We have some great business support packages, which offer different options and levels of fundraising investment for companies of all sizes. If you are a local business and would like to become part of an identity and committed community of other like-minded businesses, then look no further!

Commit to either our Shining Star, Business Hero or Change Maker packages to become part of our ever-growing business group.


Leeds Children's Charity Business Supporter logos


We welcomed Lantern UK as our newest Change Maker. They have chosen to support the work of Leeds Children’s Charity over the coming year with a target of donating £5000, kickstarting their fundraising with a donation of £500!

Community Partner – Auris Ear Care

We recently collaborated with Auris Ear Care to create a branded backdrop for events, helping to spread awareness about the work of the charity. We are very grateful to collaborate with so many wonderful businesses!

If you’re interested in helping Leeds Children’s Charity at Lineham Farm to Brighten Children’s Lives, we’re always looking for new organisations to support our work. We know that having a significant impact is important for businesses, so you can be assured that all donations go directly to our small but mighty charity. 

Take a look at our ways to support us page to get involved.