Ways to give

Local support is vital to our success, and there are loads of great ways to get involved, either as an individual or as a business. We never cease to be amazed at the innovative ways people find to raise funds for us, so if you’ve got an idea in mind, we’d love to hear it and help you make it happen. In the meantime, here are some of the ways that you can give.

Give Monthly

Championing the children of Leeds

It costs an average of £250 for a young person to attend Lineham Farm for a week of fun and adventure. A small monthly contribution of just £5 over a year provides a child with a day’s stay at Lineham Farm. £20 per month covers the cost of a week of fun for one.

Could you donate monthly? Champion a child by giving regularly – whatever you can afford to give, you’ll be helping young people create positive childhood memories.

Champion a Child today

Organise a fundraiser or take on a challenge

Bake-sales, fun runs, five-a-side tournaments, quiz nights, auctions, raffles, bungee jumps, wing walks, dress-down days – there are endless possibilities for your next fundraising event.


Get your company involved

Does your company have a charity of the year? Would they be interested in running a team-building day at our amazing venue? Could they set up payroll giving to help us raise money? Why not speak to your company owners or directors and encourage them to support local children.

How businesses can help

Leave a gift in your will

Charitable giving is a wonderful way to leave a legacy and continue supporting your favourite charity after you’re gone. You can leave a fixed sum, a share of your estate or a specific asset – anything you leave is greatly appreciated.

Legacy donations


As well as financial contributions, we also welcome donations of time and skill. Some of our volunteers and patrons have supported us for several years – some for more than half their lives. Not only does the work they do benefit the children in our care, but it’s also highly rewarding for them too.


Digitally support us

Online fundraising for children’s charities is a fast and easy way to spread the word and raise funds online. See some of the ways you can get involved and support us with online fundraising activities and digital donation platforms set up for children’s charity fundraising.

Online Fundraising

Take part in an event or support a campaign

We have many fun events to get involved with, or fundraising campaigns to support - all to help brighten children's lives.

Our Events

Learn more about the Charity


Over the years, we’ve supported more than 100,000 children, and we’ve collated just a handful of their stories to show you why our work is vital.


Feedback from children, schools, parents, teachers and social workers is always appreciated, and we’re proud to share their words with you.

Our Supporters

We cannot thank our supporters enough and love to give recognition to the companies and individual fundraisers for all their amazing efforts.

Create your fundraising profile

From climbing a mountain, to selling a mountain of cakes, there are so many ways to help fundraise, and keep Lineham Farm a magical and special place for the young people of Leeds who need it most.

Get Started