Spotlight on our supporters at Mills & Reeve

Find out more about our business supporter Mills & Reeve and what supporting the charity means to the business.

16th July 2024

At Leeds Children’s Charity at Lineham Farm, consistent support from our business partners is a cornerstone of our ability to help children in need. This support helps us reach thousands of children each year, offering them much-needed respite breaks in the beautiful surroundings of Lineham Farm. These partnerships not only help us with essential funding, helping us to plan and grow, but also embody a fantastic community spirit that we love to see. 

Business supporters help us raise fundraising targets, often engaging the entire organisation in our cause. They organise events, join challenges and bring creativity and enthusiasm to their fundraising efforts.  

One amazing supporter is Mills & Reeve, who have shown incredible dedication to the work of Leeds Children’s Charity. We recently caught up with Andrew Martin from Mills & Reeve to find out more about their work with Leeds Children’s Charity. 

How did you choose Leeds Children’s Charity at Lineham Farm as your charity?  

We initially started supporting Leeds Children’s Charity several years ago. We began donating money at Christmas which the charity used to purchase trees, bringing the festivities to the children visiting during the period.  

When our charitable focus for 2023/24 was charities relieving poverty, it was no surprise that our Leeds office voted heavily in their favour. There is an alarming number of children in Leeds living in poverty, which is only exacerbated by the current cost of living crisis. When we informed Jenny and Megan that we had chosen Leeds Children’s Charity as our office charity of the year, they made everything incredibly straightforward and provided us with all the support and guidance we needed with our fundraising ideas.  

What specifically about the work of the charity most resonates with you?  

Leeds Children’s Charity truly takes a holistic approach to brightening the lives of disadvantaged children within Leeds. Not only do they provide invaluable breaks for these children, giving them both respite and the opportunity to learn skills that many of us take for granted (like learning to ride a bike), but they also distribute products such a head lice shampoo and washing powder through their partner schools and community groups. The support they offer these children extends, therefore, well beyond their visit to the amazing facilities they have at Lineham Farm.  

Why do you think it’s important for businesses to support a charity?  

At Mills & Reeve, we take our Corporate Social Responsibility/Environment, Social and Governance very seriously, as we appreciate the lasting positive impact we can have on our local communities. We are able to raise money, volunteer and raise awareness of local causes.  

What does team fundraising bring to your business?  

We have thoroughly enjoyed fundraising for Leeds Children’s Charity over the last year. It has given us the opportunity to create a buzz in the office, bringing us closer together as our hybrid working practices continue to evolve, all while raising money for a fantastic cause. For example, we arranged an office walk and a team of runners took on the Leeds Half Marathon for the first time, something we are now looking at making an annual event.  

Thank you! 

Can you support us? 

Your donations keep Lineham Farm a special place for the children in Leeds who need it most. Help us pay for children to spend time in a safe and happy environment, doing activities like riding bikes, climbing, learning about nature, and simply having fun. 

If you can donate monthly or as a one-time gift, please click here to find out more. Perhaps you are part of a business that could support us? Find out about our business supporter packages and how your organisation can get involved in brightening children’s lives. 

If you want to find out more about the work we do here at Lineham Farm, read about our impact. We’re on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and X. Please also keep an eye on our events page where we’ll add more upcoming experiences you could get involved in.