News Listing

Check here regularly to keep up to speed with all the latest news, events and developments of the charity!

A New beginning

We are delighted to announce the merger of Lineham Farm with Leeds Children's Charity which will create a much stronger offering to support the underprivileged children of Leeds.

Covid-19 Update

The recent pandemic has, unsurprisingly, affected a wide cross section of our community. Read our article on what Covid-19 has meant to the charity and how we are adapting to the situation.

Our 2019 Christmas Gift Appeal is here

As we enter the festive season, it is important to reflect on our achievements and also consider those less fortunate. Every year we ask for your help in giving a child a gift at Christmas – and we need that help more than ever!

In memory of John Pinkney

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of charity trustee, John Pinkney

Some sad news

It is with great regret that I have to announce the death of Honorary Alderman, Grenville Fletcher.