Protecting the identity of the families we work with is vital, so although these case studies are based on real scenarios, the names have been changed. The details have been tweaked to ensure anonymity, and the images we use are stock images. The stories here are typical of the type of children we support year after year. Whatever their background story, we do our utmost to add a little happiness to their life, give them positive childhood memories and boost their confidence and self-esteem.
One Parent’s Story
Hear from one parent who comes to Lineham Farm with her children. She shares their experiences and describes what it’s like to spend time on the farm away from the stresses of life at home.

Meet Joe, aged 9
Joe’s mum committed suicide in July. Joe and his sister then went to live with their dad at his parents’ house. Dad has gone from being a weekend dad to a full-time carer. This has completely changed the family dynamics, and along with supporting his children through their bereavement, Joe’s dad has been coping with his own grief. Dad works very hard, but despite having two jobs, the family is very poor – they can barely afford food and clothes, let alone a family holiday.

Meet Sally, aged 9
As a result of a violent and abusive relationship, Sally’s mum has continually suffered from depression. She does her best, against what are considerable odds, but isn’t always able to support Sally emotionally. Sally is a bright girl and works very hard – she is a ray of sunshine. While other children moan and complain, she gets on with life as best she can, but some days her life feels like it’s just too much for her. She has never had a holiday or been away before.
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Meet Donna, aged 7
Donna has lived with her single father since her mum abandoned her over two years ago – she has had no contact with her since. Her dad is unable to work as he has no family support; he suffers from depression and has other medical issues. Donna also has complex mental health issues, but despite a difficult start in life, Donna is a lovely girl. Life for Donna is a struggle and can feel overwhelming – with no other family apart from her dad, she has nobody to help her process her feelings.

Meet Isaac & Asha, aged 8 & 10
When Isaac and Asha’s dad died, the family was left in debt. Mum did her best, but with a young family to support the bills did not get paid, and the family were evicted from their home. They stayed with relatives for a short time, but this situation became more and more difficult – the numbers in the house were simply too many. For a while, the family were sofa-surfing, but they have now found a flat. Mum works really hard to manage the family, but a holiday is the last thing she can afford for the children.
How you can help
Angie, aged 9
Angie’s mother died when she was just five years old, leaving her to care for her paralysed father all by herself. Now aged nine, Angie is a full-time young carer which has deprived her of a real childhood. She has never been on holiday and rarely gets the chance to play with toys or other children.

Champion a Child
Single donations and monthly contributions allow us to continue supporting children with stories just like the ones above. It costs £180 to give a child just like Angie, Isaac, Asha, Sally, Donna or Joe, a one-week holiday at Lineham Farm. That works out at only £15 per month. Your donation could give one of these deserving children the chance to make some amazing memories and experience a week of fun and adventure away from a difficult home life.
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